Happiest Juneteenth!
One thing that has been challenging about Juneteeth is that sometimes, it lands on the same day as Father's Day, but thankfully, they were on separate days this year. As Juneteenth approached, I sat in reflection that while I had Juneteenth plans, for the first time in years I had the actual day free. Most years I am working - presenting, vending, or traveling.
This childhood photo of me embodies the only way I would want to spend the day. In joy, with my Ancestors.
I welcome any time I can be held by my first home.
I had a pool hang with friends over red food.
And yes of course I brought Grandma Rose’s Watermelon and Orange Salad.
And yes the Ancestors got their servings first.
My loving friend and facilitator of Kapawa Sound Baths went into labor today, so I lit my candle on the way out the door to the time with friends and my favorite element. (Baby has been born!)
Did some Ancestor money rituals and lit a few of these Ancestral candles I have been working on.
Dinner with my husband while watching Frog & Toad (My husband's first time was a perfect end to the day.