Illustration by So’fya Glushko from book, What’s the Commotion in the Ocean? written by Nyasha Williams
A love note for all seasons but particularly for the new year:
The first revolution is to rest. Second revolution, call upon your inspiring spirit and Ancestors. The third is to reckon with your identity and ideas. Fourth. Touch your wounds. Fifth. Roar out your pain. Cry. Laugh. Destroy your composure. Fall into a ceremony of surrender and entropy. Once you have dissolved, dissolve the order of your revolution steps. Keep stepping. Move in circles. Gather your people. Talk your stories. Create. Create. Create. Help each other let go of attachments. Hold each other up when fear comes for you. Endure many deaths. Rejoice in many births. Stay in the soil, planting. Harvest in season. Feast often. Passionately. Hold at your center, the children, the oracles, the Eternals. Hold love.
by jaiya john
We have officially entered the seasonal new year.
March 19/20 brings the astrological January 1st of the Cosmos in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Sun has finally completed its journey through the 12 zodiac signs, and today, it will begin again.
Welcome to Aries Season
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It represents birth, beginning, heat, and passion. It is also inspiration, fierce courage, and a glorious glow of new beginnings.
Illustration by So’fya Glushko from book, I Affirm Me written by Nyasha Williams
I kicked off the season with a couple of events, Decolonizing Dreams (virtual seasonal creative workshops for the BIPOC community) and a Spring Equinox event with my local bookstore, Second Star to the Right. Both were lovely and filling- perfect for moving into planting new seeds. At Decolonizing Dreams, I played my first LIVE sound bath, which was well received. The Spring Equinox event allowed attendees to create candles and terrariums, paint, and receive palm readings. I do these events seasonally, so if you are interested in participating in future events or other magic, I will be participating in.
(Plugging in my upcoming virtual event on the 28th if you want to support me as a creative.)
Aries season is a cosmic reminder of the flow of creation from within that guides us forward. Seeds that I have been able to begin to plant are the Fire + Honey Press website, made possible through your financial support. I will be sharing Fire + Honey Press's evolution as it unfolds on my end. I am also working on new book collaborations and building a new series of Colorado local events with a passionate team.
(Support the building of Fire + Honey Press)
Make space and time for gratitude for the winter season and year that has come to a close. Honor how much you have shifted, grown, and transformed in the last twelve months. I will add some notes of gratitude with my husband to my gratitude jar. Find a way to celebrate the shift and new awakening.
Illustration by So’fya Glushko from book, I Affirm Me written by Nyasha Williams
Nyasha <3